3 strategies to improve college students’ engagement in learning?

Technology has permeated all aspects of a student’s life in the digital era. College students rely on technology to chat with friends, make payments, and stay connected with the world. Therefore, students’ engagement in learning has been affected, resulting in loss of participation in group discussions and shared projects. But college students must enhance their engagement in learning to expand their knowledge.

This blog post features three key strategies that can help college students improve their engagement in learning.

  1. Active Participation in Classroom Discussions: The critical purpose of a college education is to prepare the students to face real-life challenges confidently. It can only happen when students understand different viewpoints on a subject, communicate their thought-process, and analyze all pros and cons before reaching definite conclusions. Therefore, active participation in classroom discussions comprising different subjects helps students enhance their knowledge and engagement in classroom activities. Dojoko is the global student network for like-minded students and young professionals. The global network stands for student connect and student collaboration to help them make better academic and career choices. The student networking platform intends to empower young minds to succeed.
  2. Impromptu Writing Assignments: Another strategy for improving student learning is to provide writing assignments. After explaining a given topic, professors can ask students to show their creativity, understanding, and knowledge on the subject by writing a paragraph or journal. It helps to improve the engagement of the students.
  3. Guided Learning: The third strategy is to reverse the teaching methodology to improve learning engagement among college students. Instead of a professor explaining the chapters and answering questions, the students go through the chapter or topic. Then they ask questions based on their research and derive a better understanding of the core topic.

To conclude, it is essential to work on the college students’ engagement in learning amid so many distractions. The strategies mentioned above play a crucial role in enhancing students’ engagement in learning. Moreover, it helps them prepare for the future and get ahead with accurate knowledge.

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